KryptoPyrrolUria (KPU)
KryptoPyrrolUria (KPU)
Abram Hoffer MD discovered this condition in 1958. In the urine of his schizophrenic patients he discovered a mauve
compound which he later incorrectly named kryptopyrrol. He later correctly identified it as
hydroxy-hemopyrrolin-2-one (HPL). For simplicity, this condition is today usually referred to as KPU.
KPU is caused by the defect of several of the 8 enzymes needed for the synthesis of heme, which is needed for making haemoglobin for transporting oxygen around the body. Heme is also needed for liver detoxification reactions (cytochromes) and other important functions. According to Dr Klinghardt, infections produce toxins which cause these enzymes to become defective by preventing uptake of zinc, on which many enzymes are based. This is why treatment for KPU with high-dose zinc supplementation can be effective, until the infections are eliminated.
KPU patients typically have have low glutathione levels, making them vulnerable to toxins. Around 50% of patients with autism test positive for KPU, as do 30% of those with ADHD. Typical symptoms of KPU include:
•Light, sound and odour intolerance
•Hypoglycemia: glucose intolerance
•Pale skin, poor tanning
•Tremor / shaking / spasms
•Environmental and food allergies
•Cold hands or feet
•Retention of toxic metals and environmental toxins
•Bloated belly
A urine test for KPU is available, for example from Biolab in the UK. Treatment typically consists of high-dose zinc
plus vitamin B6 such as Core Mineral. Such treatment should be done under medical supervision, for example
Breakspear in the UK or Dr Klinghardt in the US, who has pioneered treatment for KPU to great effect in autism.